Blog / English / Italy · 30.08.2022

The Feast in Honor of San Giovanni Battista

There was a lot of happening in Ragusa yesterday. It was the “Festa di San Giovanni Battista”, The Feast in honor of San Giovanni Battista, patron saint of the city and the Diocese of Ragusa. Apparently it happens every 29th of August, the date of his martyrdom. I was obviously not aware of this, as I do not get the news anywhere yet. I am now trying to correct that by joining by some news agencies mailing lists.

The festivities start already on 15/19th August, which explains the many fireworks, music events and hustle and bustle I have experienced in the past couple of weeks here. However the main festival is on 29th, which was yesterday.

Piazza San Battist was bathing in light installations, Ragusa, Sicily

Wow, it was so much people on the streets, specifically Via Roma and Corso Italia, as well as the main square in front of the central cathedral, surprise surprise, called naturally the “Cattedrale di San Giovanni Battista“. Of course, the square is also called Piazza San Giovanni!

There are Feast celebrations for Saints all over Italy practically every day. You can check this calendar for them. Sadly and surprisingly, the Feast day of Ragusa was not listed.

There was also a Street market in Ragusa on 29th August

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