Blog / English / Suomeksi · 09.09.2017

[Failure] Epic Class at Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort [eng/fin]

No tässä se nyt sitten on. Mitä Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort: ssa tapahtui? | Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort work experience.

Tulin sitten takaisin Lapista 3 päivän jälkeen. Työsuhteeni purettiin koeajalla. Syy: olen liian itsenäinen ja vanha.

Postasin heidän FB- sivuilleen linkin. Tämän linkin. Ja siitä nousi  haloo. Omistaja ei kuulema ollut saanut untakaan, kun hän oli pohtinut miten tämän artikkelin jakaminen heille nyt on tuottanut huonoa mainetta… (?!) Ja siis selvennykseksi, ongelma oli siinä että Kakslauttanen oli numerona 2. Kakslauttanen ei ollut numero 1.

Nämä olivat argumentteja, jotka minulle tuotiin esiin keskustelussa, ennen potkuja:

  • We are surprised you already have managerial experience. (visible in my CV)
  • I didn’t realize your age (41, too old to be cheated out of my rights?)
  • You are a leader, not a follower. We are not looking for leaders. (I applied a job as a Media and Marketing Manager)
  • You need your own company to run. (No, I want to work for You, or at least I think I did…)
  • Don’t think for a second you can make any independent decisions here before you have been here for at least THREE years. (again… manager … hello?)
  • Me: I am confused, I don’t know what is expected of me. Boss: we expect you to do exactly what we tell you to do and nothing extra.
  • Me: I don’t think this is working for me. I have been writing English for 20 years and I have done customer service for 12 years. I feel silly to have all my outgoing emails approved and proofread by my manager.  Boss: If you stay here we will scrutinize all your activities at least three years. We don’t feel you are up to that. This is why we want to terminate your contract on the probationary period effective immediately.

Että kiitos vaan Kakslauttanen Arctic ResortVaikka tässä minun työsuhteen purussa ei nyt sitten ollut mitään laitonta, koska tietenkin työsuhde purettiin sen takia, että en ollut “sopiva” työhön, niin haluan tuoda esille noita muita ongelmia. En oikeastaan ihmettele tätä irtisanomista, kun nyt olen lueskellut mitä kaikkea on tullut ko. paikasta vastaan. Aika rajuja juttuja.

Information for all foreigners considering accepting employment at Kakslauttanen.

Please join trade union PAM ( and keep them updated as soon as you experience something negative from the employers part.  Treating employees badly is not legal in Finland and there are laws in place, to prevent that. If you are unsure about whether you have been treated lawfully or unlawfully, PAM will be able to help you, but you need to be a member and pay their membership fee, which is deducted from your salary monthly. 

This is the only way you can protect yourself.

News in English: PAM Magazine – A Cold Experiencein Finland

Tätä työtä hain:

We are looking for Marketing and Social Media Manager

Tässä kuvakaappaus Kakslauttasen nettisivuilta:


Afterwards, I have discussed with several people regarding Kakslauttanen.

During the period of six months, from April – September 2017 a total of FIVE people have been kicked out and one person has left by their own choice from Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort.


This post has already been read 1657 times!

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